Film Opening Research #1: Heathers (1988)

The first film I chose to observe is Heathers (1988). This film can fit into both the genre of comedy and the genre of romantic comedy. 

1. How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film?
One title is displayed during the opening sequence of the film. 

2. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
The first image seen is a close up of a girl delicately tying a red scrunchie around her hair with perfectly manicured fingers and a matching red watch. This is followed by an image of three neatly dressed girls drinking lemonade in a garden surrounded by flowers and statues. Each of the girls have color coordinated outfits. The girls exit when they delicately stand up, with mallets to play cricket, step over a small fence, and delicately smush a bed of red flowers. 

3. What connotations do the images carry?
These images suggest a sense of put-togetherness as well as a concern for looks. Since the girl in the center was the one who was tying her hair in a the scrunchie, these images also suggest that she is important to both the plot and to the other girls. The images also suggest that the girls are wealthy or popular, as they seem to be high-class. When the girls step on the flowers, this also suggests that the girls step on anything in their way and have no regard for those below them. 

4. How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?
Genre is enforced through the use of color, particularly with the focus on red, as all of the flowers in the foreground of the images are red, matching the girl whom the camera initially focused on. Red enforced the genre of romance. Comedy is enforced through the symbolism of the girls squashing the flowers as they delicately stroll.  

5. How does the film establish an enigma from the outset?
The enigma is established when the girls walk over the flowers. Both before and after the girls walk over the flowers, everything is delicate, pretty, and peaceful, but nothing about this action matches this theme. By including this action, the audience is immediately curious as to the personality of the girls, wondering what type of person could simply step on beautiful flowers. 

6. What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
The film uses a song about a mother and a daughter, as well as a focus on three pretty teenage girls laughing to appeal to the target audience of teenaged girls. The audience can relate to the group of girls walking and talking, and feel warmth from the song that begins the movie. 

7. How has technology been used effectively? 
Technology has been used effectively to incorporate non-diegetic sound, such as the music in the background, as well as to emphasize other sounds, such as the squashing of the flowers and the click of the mallets against the ball. Without technology, these sounds would not be audible to the audience, resulting in less emphasis on the actions. 

Camera Angles: The film begins with a wide angle and follows with a dolly shot, where the camera steadily follows the girls from a distance. Moreover, the use of close-up shots to focus on Heather's shoes, hair, and face help to emphasize the importance of her character. 

Transitions: The film does not use any obvious transitions and instead cuts straight from one shot to the other. 

Editing Techniques: The song "Que Sera, Sera," is playing for the opening sequence, suggesting that there will be some sort of theme of helplessness, as que sera, sera translates to the saying, "what will be, will be."


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